Te Toki

Akoranga Rangatahi
Ara Moana Ocean Roads
Delivered in partnership with Hui te Ananui a Tangaroa (NZ Maritime Museum), a sponsored programme where schools have the opportunity to come into the Museum and learn about the ancestors of this land.
The aim of the programme is to connect students and their whānau, with mātauranga waka and to inspire them to walk with pride into the future as people of the Pacific and Aotearoa through showcasing the brilliance of ancestral navigation and construction methods used to create waka hourua (double hulled sailing canoes) to find new lands.
Our workshops that facilitate these learnings are.
Special thanks to:

Star Compass
A roll out mat that gives a visual of our contemporary compass based on ancestral pacific knowledge of celestial compasses activating conversation about stars, directions, and many other natural signs read by the navigator.
Hawaiki Gallery tour
A gallery where many traditional canoes are on display from around the pacific. Giving youth the ability to get a close up look at the construction methods and materials used to build such vessels.
Waka Hourua experience
An opportunity to explore a contemporary Waka Hourua and if weather permits, heading out on Te Waitemataa harbour for a small sail. Allowing youth to feel the power of the elements and give them a taste of what it is to become a kaumoana.